True Diamond



Diamonds of Truth were created right after the time of Lion Flames ended. The movie Dark Diamond, which was released just as the cards were ready, showed that the channeling work was meant to be. Some symbols are the same as in the movie. The cards are Finnish. Through the years fire has been used to read the future. Everyone can find the symbols on their own. Experienced seers have confirmed some of the meanings. The cards are strong so you should cleanse the cards after using them. Keep them preferably in a fabric bag with an amethyst.

Ask a question in your mind. What you see is meant to be!

Importance of the image.


♦️A (communication) 

Meaningful message, other cards around

◇K (influential person)  

Doctor, judge, depends on the cards around it. If ♡7 is near, then it means love.

♦️Q (blond queen) 

An ordinary woman, depends on the cards around

♦️J (blond person) 

Selfish young masculine energy. Trustworthy if he is in a higher position, if not then he can be disloyal. Might also be shy, look at cards around it. 

♦️10 (big money)

Look at the cards around it, is money coming or going.

♦️9 (Business, successful work) 

Business, progress

♦️8 (work)  

♦️7 (salary, basic income) cards nearby influence the result. If ♤, you don't have a job, nor difficulties. If ♧7, you will have difficulties at work. If it's a 7 of clubs, somebody will make your job difficult out of jealousy. 

♦️ 2-6 Power, ⤵️ (new things) 

☀️2 - indecision and arguments

☀️3 - self-interest (power, arguments) 

☀️4 - harmonious moments

☀️5 - delays and stagnation

☀️6 - travelling

♣️everyday - fire - summer♣️

♣️A (home) 

Card right side up: permanent home. Card upside down: selling or renovating a home. 

♣️K (brunette/grey hair) 


Look at the cards nearby

Can be an older man. 

♣️Q (brunette/grey hair) 

The cards nearby tell if she is a coworker or somebody else. 

♣️J (supportive companion) 

Check other cards beside it. 

Happy, young masculine energy, loyal, joyful company. He will not become discouraged. He is genuine.

♣️10 (a large place, for example a city office building) 

The cards nearby will tell what kind of office building it is.

♣️9 (confrontation)

The cards around it will tell more

♣️8 (small place or a hospital) 

The cards nearby will tell more. If there is a court card, it tells that you should pay a visit to a hospital

♣️7 (tears) 

Crying on your knees 

♣️2-6 everyday - work ⤵️

☀️2 - indecision and arguments

☀️3 - self-interest 

☀️4 - harmonious moments

☀️5 - stagnation

☀️6 - Travelling. (domestic tourism, by train or boat) 

♠️Challenge - earth - winter♠️

♠️A (Trip at night) 

Trip at night, passion. Depends on if the card is upside down.

♠️K (Priest)

A priest, cards next to it have an effect

Can also be a foreign masculine energy or a difficult person.


♠️Q (dark haired queen) 

♠️J (critical person) 

Bad mannered masculine energy, but is intelligent and helpful. Some obstacles can occur. Could also be a critical personality.

♠️10 (hospital) 

If an eight of diamonds is on top, it means hospital, if it's under, it means care industry.

♠️9 (slow-ups and sadness) 

Fighting and sadness. Alcohol, medicine and drugs.

♠️8 (all kinds of difficulties)

Learn to think positively, when things don't seem to go right no matter what.

♠️7 (Jealousy) 

Worries, something could be worrying, always try to think about positive things. Jealousy. 

♠️2-6 Difficulties/challenges ⤵️ 

☀️2 - indecision and arguments

☀️3 - self-interest, third wheel as a break 

☀️4 - harmonious moments

☀️5 - delays and stagnation

☀️6 - travelling (travelling abroad) 

❤️Emotions - water - autumn❤️

❤️A (love) 

Comes suprisingly, pulls like a magnet. World's safest embrace.

❤️K (righteous helper) 

Righteous friend, helps and gives advice. Passionate! Has influence and is tolerant.

❤️Q (reddish-brown haired queenr) 

Other cards.

❤️J (lighthearted loved one) 

Other cards around it have an effect. 

Happy masculine energy. He if anyone can make other people happy. Carefree attitude. Could also refer to a romance (single). Altough he would not be a faithful lover. Could be someone from the past. 

❤️10 (Shampagne party)

Overcoming obstacles, happiness, peace and joy. Ambition, achievements!

Celebrations from baptism to engagement parties 

❤️9 (family) 

❤️8 (baby boys cradle)

The cards around it tell to whom it's for. 

❤️7 (universes friendship) 

Pulls like a magnet. Look at the cards around it. Will you have to wait?

❤️2-6 Emotions⤵️

☀️2 - indecision and arguments.

☀️3 - self-interest

☀️4 - harmonious moments

☀️5 - delays and stagnation

☀️6 - travelling (a trip somewhere nearby /or a baby girls cradle) 

A red card undoes a black one! Two same numbers:
For example, ace of diamonds and ace of hearts next to each other mean a bout of fortune!

If another one is a black card, that means good news.

Kysy mielessäsi kysymys ja pysäytä oma korttisi. Muista että kuvat merkitsevät enemmän kuin selitys. mitä näet se on sinulle tarkoitettu!


♦️ valta

♦️Vuodenaika: kevät

♦️elementti: ilma.

uuden-uusien asioiden alku.

♣️ arki/työ

♣️Vuoden aika: kesä

♣️Elementti : tuli

vahvan elementin ansiosta voimakas, vehreys ja täyttymykset. aktiivinen toimiminen.

(voi liittyä myös suruun ja menetykseen).

työ, uravalinnat, arki liitetään vankkaan energiaan.

❤️ tunteet

❤️Vuodenaika :syksyn

❤️ Elementti: vesi.


❤️ usein rakkautta ja onnea, iloa sekä juhlan humua.

♠️ vaikeudet/ haasteet

♠️Vuodenaika: Talvi

♠️Elementti: Maa

Asioiden loppuun viemisen päättymistä. Raskaat tai painavat asiat niinkuin pimeys on.


☀️A- uutisia.

☀️2 - päättämättömyys ja riidat

☀️3 - edun tavoitteleminen.

☀️4 - tasaisuutta ja harmonisia hetkiä.

☀️5 - viivytys ja asioiden seisahtuminen

☀️6 - matkailu asiat.

☀️7- tulevaisuus

☀️8 - perhe, tapahtuma ja kuinka se vaikuttaa perheeseen.

☀️9- vanhat asiat, sekä jokin asia yllättää.

☀️10- vahva käänteen tekevä muutos.

☀️Erilaisia persoonia omaavia henkilöitä.

♦️♣️❤️♠️K maskuliininen,

♠️♦️♣️❤️Q feminiininen,

♦️♣️❤️♠️JÄTKÄ on JÄTKÄ, hän on maskuliinista energiaa omava nuorehko/-tai nuorekas henkilö. Voi olla mies tai nainen mutta maskuliini energiaan liitetään. 


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